` Karlo "Casser" Dominikovic Artist


Born in Croatia , studied in Czech republic but most of his life spend in Asia where he studied the culture and work in contries like Thailand, Cambodia, India, Singapour, Malaisia. After almost 20 years , returned to Europe for few years before taking of to write last chapter of his life in South America .

If you interested in my works, you are welcome to contact me anytime dittrichcharlie (at) gmail.com

Some of my works :


The level of craftsmanship of his work is really astonishing! I have no words to describe how extraordinary his work is , how exceptionally detailed and ever-fascinating.

Hr. D fertigt sehr ausdrucksstarke Skulpturen, die großes handwerkliches Können und viel Liebe zum Detail erkennen lassen. Dabei gelingt es ihm gut unterschiedliche Stimmungen zum Ausdruck zu bringen, die seine Werke für den Betrachter interessant machen. Die kreative Ausführung lässt ein hohes Maß an Geduld und Arbeitsaufwand erkennen ohne welchen das Ergebnis in dieser Form nicht möglich wäre. Ich bin gespannt was er auch künftig an Werken gestalten wird.

The Work he does is amazing and magical. Looking forward to see him grow as an Artist .

© 2023 Karlo "Casser" Dominikovic. All rights reserved.